On June 10th, ATR is hosting the annual Celtic Bison Strongman Competition at the historic Cheyenne Depot.
This year alongside the competition, we’re inviting anyone and everyone to join us for a grip sports event: Grip Trials at the Celtic.
Events Include:
Categories and Prizes
This event will not be sanctioned, so it is just for fun and a good cause. A portion of the revenues will be going to Donate Life, an organization that helps people in need receive organ transplants.
Plus a good portion of the money is going back to the athletes. Here is the breakdown:
Half of all the money we receive is going back to the athletes.
50% of that pool goes to first place.
30% of that pool goes to second place.
20% of that pool goes to third place.
Each event pays out separately, and there are separate payouts for men and women
Question: How will the winners be paid?
All of the winners will be announced on Monday June 13th. You’ll leave your email and phone number with the event volunteer before you attempt your first lift and we’ll get in touch directly if you’re one of the winners.
Question: What time does the contest start?
The Grip Trials will open at 10AM when the Strongman Competition starts and go all day during the show. Once the competition is over, we’re moving the Grip Trials to Chronicles Distilling, where we’ll keep the contest open until 10PM.
Question: Can we pay for registration at the event?
Yes. We will be accepting digital payments via Venmo.
Question: How many attempts do we get?
You’re allowed three attempts at each event. You’ll have to declare that a rep is an official lift before you go for the attempt so that the judge knows to watch and record the lockout. Once you have three logged with the judge, you’re done on that event for the day.
Question: How are the lifts being judged?
Event volunteers with ATR will be judging the event, and a full lockout will be required with each implement.
Have any questions? Reach out to Travis directly at 206-484-3703 or via email at travis@atrtrainingsystems.com. You can also DM through Messenger and Instagram.