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Custom Programming
ATR’s Online
Programming Service
Work one-on-one with Coach Bogard to achieve your goals in strength. This is our flagship service, personal training without the face-to-face interactions. Your program is published weekly, and your film is reviewed weekly. Fill out the form to get started and Coach Bogard will reach out within 24 hours.
Get Your Program on Sundays via TrainHeroic (Mobile App)
Send Video of your Training as Work through the Week
Watch your Athlete Review Video for coaching cues and direction
Train, get better, and achieve your goals
How does it work?
Athlete Review Videos?
What are
Here are three of the athlete videos that are sent out on a weekley basis. THey are unedited, and show you exactly what the athlete received that week after sending in their training video.
Get Your First
Athlete Review Video!
Get Your First
Athlete Review Video!

What is TrainHeroic?
TrainHeroic is an app that facilitates our training programs. You have a calendar where your workouts are published, and each exercise comes with sets, reps, rest times, tempos, and even instructional videos to show you how to perform the movement. The app tracks your progress for you, keeping a historical record of your accomplishments and personal bests.
Question: How many days per week will I train?
The price that you’ll pay will cover any number of sessions during the week. Some athletes are training 3 days per week, some have 6+ workouts per week. Training frequency is something that is going to be highly individual from athlete to athlete so to set that in stone up front would be limiting your potential progress.
Question: What does the onboarding process look like?
When you sign on, you’ll fill out a detailed intake form for information on things like your injury history and work life. At the same time, you’ll get three very simple workouts published on your calendar to work through. Film from these workouts will be what I watch for your first Athlete Review Video, and it tells me everything that I need to know about where to start with you as an athlete. From there, I build the program and you get your first week on the next upcoming Sunday. That is also when the billing will kick in.
Question: What if I need changes made in the middle of the week?
I do my best to respond to all messages as necessary within 24-hours of receiving them. If I have enough notice, I’ll tweak the program in TrainHeroic, and if not we’ll chat through messaging or a quick phone call so that you have the instruction that you need to get through your training session. If you’re injured mid-week, we’ll definitely take that into account and try to modify the program to work around the situation. If you don’t have the necessary equipment, we’ll make the necessary substitutes. You’re hiring a one-on-one coach and that means one-on-one service.
Question: Is there a commitment period for custom programming?
No there is no commitment period. Custom Programming with ATR is a service run month-to-month with no sign up fees and no cancellation fees.
Question: Can my training partner use my program with me?
Sure, but you should know that your program will be written for you. That means warmups will be tailored to your prehab/rehab needs, and exercises will be selected based on your anatomy and specific weaknesses. Whole protocols could be just what one athlete needs while being completely inappropriate for someone else. If you want me to, I can build a program that will benefit you both so you can train together, but only when you both come on as clients. There will be a discount on services for athletes that sign up to train together.
Question: Can the program accommodate injuries or specific limitations?
Yes. The program is written for you specifically and takes your injury history into account. I pride myself in my willingness to work with physical therapists and chiropractors as a member of your personal care team to ensure that your training supplements your recovery from injury and you only get better.
Sign Up Now!
Sign up now and the coach will reach out in 24 hours or less to get you started
Custom programming to fit your needs so you make the best and fastest progress possible
Flexible programming works around injuries and equipment demands so there are no limitations on your training
No sign up fees, no cancellation fees. Only keep your subscription if you’re enjoying the service.